The American Board of Surgery has made it clear that all general surgeons should be able to handle the more commonly encountered and /or life threatening clinical pediatric presentations. Therefore, a brief but solid base of knowledge is needed in order for you to answer those questions that sometimes are thrown at you during the exam.

"You are called to the nursery ICU to assist in managing a baby who was just born
and found to be in severe respiratory distress, with no breath sounds on the left
side of his chest
". What would you do?

"You are called in the middle of the night for a consult on a baby with bilious
vomiting since birth, who is not doing well

"A baby was born with an imperforated anus"; what would you do?

"A three month infant presents to the ER with incarcerated inguinal hernia"... etc.

The following section should cover most questions asked on the Board, and it includes the following subjects:


1. Choanal atresia.

2. Diaphragmatic hernia.

3. Tracheo-esophageal fistula.

4. Pyloric stenosis.

5. Duodenal obstruction.

6. Intestinal atresia.

7. Midgut volvulus (malrotation).

8. Meconium ileus.

9. Intussusception.

10. Hirschsprung's disease.

11. Imperforate anus.

12. Necrotizing enterocolitis.

13. Omphalocele and gastroschisis.

14. Inguinal hernia.

15. Hydrocele.

16. Undescended testicle/retracted testicle.

17. Biliary atresia.


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